• Imagining
  • AI

Debug-GPT for VS Code

Debug-GPT for VS Code brings clarity to your debugger thanks to the power of AI.

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Debug-GPT VS Code Extension simplifies debugging by transforming complex error messages into human-friendly sentences, complete with actionable insights and translations. This empowers software engineers with clear, context-rich explanations of issues, reducing debugging time and frustration.

Better Faster Stronger Debugger

We designed this tool thinking about every developer who ever feels that they are spending too much time deciphering error messages and who feels like that they could debug more quickly if they were given a more exploitable error message with some guidance and pointers on how to resolve it.

The power of AI comes to your favorite work environment

Reading and understanding the logs in the IDE, and debugging is a time consuming task for developers and consequently a widely unoptimized step of the software development lifecycle.

With this extension and thanks to the power of LLMs we wish to eliminate the pain of deciphering cryptic error codes, enabling developers to swiftly comprehend problems and take appropriate steps from the comfort of their favorite IDE.

Who is this extension for?

Every developer who ever feels that they are spending too much time deciphering error messages and who feels like that they could debug more quickly if they were given a more exploitable error message with some guidance and pointers on how to resolve it.