• Imagining

Codename: ContainerGen

Automatically generate optimized containers for your repositories with no configuration required.

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ContainerGen is a tool that automatically generates optimized containers for your repositories with no configuration required. Simply download the CLI and run the gen command to generate a dockerfile and docker-compose.yml file for your project.


  • Automated Container Generation - Worry no more, ContainerGen will automatically generate a dockerfile and docker-compose.yml file for your project.
  • Optimized Containers - ContainerGen automatically applies best practices to your containers to ensure they are optimized for production.
  • No Configuration Required - ContainerGen requires no configuration to get started. Simply download the CLI and run the gen command to get started.


ContainerGen alleviates the pain of manual Dockerfile creation, eliminates compatibility issues, and accelerates development-to-deployment cycles. With seamless integration into existing workflows, the Container Generator empowers engineers to focus on innovation, while achieving consistent, secure, and high-performance containerized applications effortlessly.